
GSMA、スマートフォン向けアプリ開発に関するガイドラインを発表 – WirelessWire News(ワイヤレスワイヤーニュース)

GSM Association(GSMA)は2月27日(現地時間)、MWC 2012開催中のバルセロナにて、スマートフォン向けアプリケーションの開発に関するガイドライン「Smarter Apps for Smarter Phones」を発表した。


ドコモ、アプリ会社にネットワークへの配慮を「お願い」 通信障害対策の一環 – ITmedia ニュース


Light Reading Mobile – 4G/LTE – NSN: Android & RIM Are Signaling Bad Boys – Telecom News Analysis

Google (Nasdaq: GOOG)’s Android and Research In Motion Ltd. (RIM) (Nasdaq: RIMM; Toronto: RIM) have not answered operators’ calls to support a standard in their smartphones that will reduce the signaling load on mobile networks, according to recent tests conducted by Nokia Siemens Networks .

そんなこともあってか、GSMA(GSM Association)がMWC2012にてスマートフォン向けアプリケーションの開発に関するガイドライン「Smarter Apps for Smarter Phones」を発表しました。


ネットワーク周りの話は「2章 Network friendliness」と「3章 Ideal mobile application」に記載がありましたので、ポイントになりそうな点を要約してみました。

2.1 Requirements and constraints in mobile broadband
■ Limited bandwidth: The available bandwidth for mobile networks may vary depending on the geographic coverage and the underlying technologies used. On average it is lower than a Wi-Fi connection. In addition, when the mobile consumer is on the move, the bandwidth can dynamically step up or down
■ Data is not always free: Outside monthly allocations and bundled price plans, mobile data usage can be expensive particularly when roaming. This can mean high bills for users
■ Battery life: Mobile terminals are a miniaturised feast of technologies powered by a battery. When in full operation, the battery runs a processor with an active screen and data communication over the mobile network. Transferring large amounts of data puts the radio access into high drive mode. Add an active colour screen and the battery can drain in just a few hours. Considered use of the network, screen and processor resources when designing an app can dramatically improve battery life
■ Network connectivity: Mobile networks cannot by nature guarantee reliable connectivity at all times. Blind coverage spots, the limitations of deployed technologies, switching between cells, or moving in heavily built-up areas, can all result in lost data packets, increased latency, reduced network speed, and connectivity interruption
■ Security: Users do not always have direct control over their choice of wireless access networks. They can be connected to public Wi-Fi hotspots or in extreme cases even to spoofed networks, so privacy can be compromised or identity stolen. Authentication, secure protocols and a cautious approach to content transmission should be adopted by all developers

2.1 モバイルネットワークにおける要件と制約

  • 限られた帯域幅
  • データは常に無料ではない
  • バッテリーの寿命
  • ネットワーク接続
  • セキュリティ

「3章 Ideal mobile application」には、接続が切断された場合の対処についても記載されています。

If the request is not user initiated then error notification can be either non-modal with a retry option or not shown at all. However, if the request is scheduled and repetitive, then it would make sense to change the interval dynamically to avoid re-establishing connections too frequently during network loss over a long period of time. Recommended retry intervals are one minute, then five minutes, and then 15 minutes. More frequent retries will drain the battery rapidly.(スライド33ページ)


In order to maintain connections in VoIP applications, iOS provides a mechanism to set a keepalive handler with setKeepAliveTimeout:handler: on UIApplication, which will be called automatically by the system. The minimum interval is 10 minutes, however, Apple recommends using 29 minutes which seems to be the most optimal for maximising battery life.(スライド72ページ)




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